Saturday, May 17, 2008

Jemina Pearl of the band Be Your Own Pet on the left and her friend enjoy the music of The Virgins at Stubbs on Thursday.

My friends and I are going on a road trip to Washington state from May 19th to June 4th and we will be camping most of the time so posts will be limited. There is a music festival in Washington called Sasquatch which lasts three days and has an amazing line-up. We'll also be stopping at many places across America that I've always wanted to see.


Randy said...

Have a great trip!

cheshire said...

when do you get back? that photo trip is still pending, and i'm more than adventurous.

Jeffrey McWhorter said...

how are you so good andrew rogers? I expect to see some sweet stuff from that trip, but don't let it get in the way of your enjoyment.

cheshire said...

sasquatch photos now pls!